Liberalism and its encounters in India: Some interdisciplinary approaches
This book explores the future of liberalism in India. It moves away from traditional approaches and draws upon resources from other disciplines – those subjects which some might think don’t strictly fall under political science or theory – like anthropology, literature, philosophy — to critically engage with the condition of late capitalist modernity in India.
The essays in the volume trace liberalism’s journey through modern Indian history to give us a new standpoint to understand current debates and also point to some internal contradictions of Indian liberalism.
This book is available at the NLS library
Of law and life: Upendra Baxi in conversation with Arvind Narain, Lawrence Liang, Sitharamam Kakarala, Sruti Chaganti.
Cambridge University Press : 2023.
Upendra Baxi is one of India’s leading legal scholars. His areas of expertise and his writings span the diverse areas of law. Of Law and Life produces a sweeping personal account of his engagements with over six decades of our modern history. He talks at length about several landmark interventions, including the open letter to judges on the Mathura rape case, which set a new precedent in both legal and social activism, the Bhopal gas tragedy, and his pioneering work on social action litigation in India. And much else.
This book is available at the NLS library.
Research handbook on the politics of constitutional law
Edward Elgar Publishing: 2023.
This Research Handbook deals with the politics of constitutional law around the world, using both comparative and political analysis, delivering global treatment of the politics of constitutional law across issues, regions and legal systems. Offering an innovative, critical approach to an array of key concepts and topics, this book will be a key resource for legal scholars and political science scholars. Students with interests in law and politics, constitutions, legal theory and public policy will also find this a beneficial companion. Prof. Kamala Sankaran has contributed a Chapter on ‘Minorities: a view from South Asia’.
This book is available at the NLS library.