
Students enrolled into the University academic programmes are permitted to use the library all 7 days of week excluding public holidays.
Only Ten students from other college/Universities are permitted on first come first serve basis (Only on Monday-Friday): 9.30 am to 5.30 pm.
Library Timings:
- Working Days: 9.00 am to 12.00 am (Monday-Friday).
- On Saturdays: 9.30 am to 10.00 pm.
- Sundays between 10.00 am to 6.00 pm.
- During Trimester Break 9.30 am to 6.00 pm.
- Books will be issued from 9.30 am to 8 pm on working days.
Note: The library will be closed on all National/State holidays.

Remote XS -
RemoteXS ( a cloud based secure access service is operational from anywhere, anytime to the NLS Community. It brings all e-resources of the University, including databases, journals, e-books and other content, under one umbrella for academic and research purposes.
For issues related to RemoteXS, write to or
Please note:
- This access is meant for faculty members and students enrolled in the on campus programmes.
- RemoteXs details may be collected from library or the IT department.
- Students should use Remotexs only for NLSIU research purposes. E-resources may not be used for purposes other than learning, teaching, research, personal educational development, administration, management or development work of NLSIU.
- Use of data is not permitted for consultancy or services, leading to commercial exploitation of data. Users must also comply with specific requirements of individual data providers.

Contact Us
Librarian (I/C)
National Law School of India University
P.B.No. 7201., Nagarbhavi,
Bangalore – 560 072
Phone: +91-80- 23010505 Ext 505