
Digital Access to NLSIU Scholarship (DANS)
DANS is the institutional repository that hosts a wide range of University affiliated scholarly works, including journal articles, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, working papers, reports and more. Most of the content of this repository may be restricted to the NLSIU fraternity.

NLS Journals
NLS is home to several interdisciplinary journals that have carried articles by leading scholars and experts over the years, and cited by the Supreme Court on several occasions. The journals have a commitment to open access and promotion of legal writing, and occupy an important space in legal academia in India.

NLS Publications
NLSIU produces scholarly journals and books on specific substantive areas of the law, and various approaches to examining legal and social developments. These faculty and student-edited publications offer invaluable practical experience in legal writing, editing, and scholarship. To subscribe or purchase any of the journals and books listed below, please write to

NLS Students and Faculty Publications (Google Scholar links for Books, Journals & Book Chapters)
To showcase the academic and scholarly activities of NLSIU’s student and faculty members, Google Scholar lists have been curated that include books, book chapters, journal articles, and conference proceedings, among others. Click on the links below for more.
- NLSIU Faculty Book Chapters
- NLSIU Faculty Books
- NLSIU Publication – Books
- Faculty Publications-UGC approved Journal articles
- NLSIU Faculty Publictions-articles other than UGC
- NLSIU – Institute of Public Policy Faculty Publications
- NLSIU Faculty Members Publications (Indexed in SCOPUS)
- NLSIU Students Publications (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Students & Faculty Edited NLS Journals:
- National Law School of India Review (NLSIR)
- National Law School Journal
- Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT)
- March of the Law
- International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice
- Journal on Environmental Law Policy and Development
- Journal of Law and Public Policy
- Indian Journal of International Economic Law
- Socio-Legal Review NLSIU
- Indian Journal of Environmental Law

NLS Question Papers and Answer Keys
For the Academic Years 2023-24:
All Other Previous Years Question Papers:
1. LLB, LLM and MPP Question Papers
2. MPP Question Papers from 2016 to 2022
3. BA, LLB Mid-term, End-term, Repeat & Special Repeat Exam Answer Keys, 2009 to 2018
4. LLB Honors(3 Years) – Selected Question Papers
5. BA-LLB, LLM and MPP Question Papers(Academic Year 2021-22)

QAMRA Archive
The Queer Archive for Memory Reflection and Activism is a multimedia archival project that chronicles and preserves the stories of communities marginalised on the basis of gender and sexuality in India. Its aim is to aid efforts in queer rights advocacy through archival activism, acting as a resource base for activists, students, educators, artists, and scholars working in the area of gender and sexuality. As a repository of narratives, it hopes to enable and further conversations around the history, present, and future of the Indian LGBTQIA+ community.
The Archive is open to visitors at the ground floor of the library on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, from 2 PM to 5 PM.